Wednesday 18 April 2018

Foothills of Gua Tempurung

I started off from home on this cool cloudy Wednesday morning to meet up with Ganesan at the traffic-lights junction near Kampar Sentral, the entrance to Bandar Baru Kampar, at seven o'clock.
We rode northwards along the moderately busy trunk-road to meet Hanif and the three of us then proceeded to Jeram New Village for our breakfast about 8 km away. 

0700 Bandar Baru 0734 First time at Jeram Breakfast 8.61km

After a hearty chat at breakfast with Hanif, Ganesan (who bought all of us idiapam aka puttumayam), Ng Wan Thim (the PKR chairman of Jeram branch who bought us drinks), Fabian Wylie and his wife Lee Lean, the three of us proceeded towards Gua Tempurung at 0823hr, another six km away.

We reached the main entrance to the Gua Tempurung caves at about nine o'clock and headed for the off-road trail that skirts around the foot-hills. I have not been riding off-road for some time and the first couple of km was taxing, maintaining my balance over loose stones and uneven tracks while trying to catch up with Hanif and Ganesan ahead of me. They had to stop and wait for me a couple of times.

0905hr Gua Tempurung 16.64km. Off road for the last 2km

After a few km of off-road riding, we stopped briefly to look at the tranquil and refreshing scenery across a small bridge.

By about half-past nine, we arrived at the foot-bridge over the north-south highway. We stopped again briefly before heading on the final stretch of the trail leading to our destination.

0920hr across the plus highway. 17.92km heading north

My hands felt rather light and "empty" this morning. Then I realised that I have forgotten to wear my cycling gloves.

Forgot to bring my gloves. My palms felt sticky on the rubber handle.

We reached the illegal dump-site at about 0925hr. Ganesan took some photos of some new bags of rubbish thrown into the ditch that has been covered up with some land fill.

0925hr 18.56km We arrived at the rubbish dump-site that Ganesan complained about

Another look at the scenic hills around us before resuming our ride.
After Ganesan and Hanif had had a good look over the partially covered-up dump site, we proceeded to ride to Kg Jahang a couple of km away. There we stop briefly by the rocky bank of the Sungei Jahang with its clear inviting waters splashing over many rocks in a small rapid.

This stream is part of a popular whitewater rafting course.

0940hr The Jahang River at Kampung Jahang 20.24km

Whitewater rafting site

Me, with the little rapid in the background

My three year-old Raleigh Echo taking a short rest
Soon it was time for us to embark on our journey home.

After getting back onto the trunk road via SK Gunung Panjang, we rode southwards, stopping for tea at Kafé Gua on the return leg from Gua Tempurung.

1020hr 26.07km With Hanif, waiting for roti bakar telor goyang (half-boiled egg on toast) at Kafe Gua
1052hr: After another round of chit-chat with lots of laughter thrown in, we rode our last ten km home. Hanif broke away from us at the Malim Nawar junction towards Bandar Agacia Kampar via Malim Nawar town while Ganesan and I carried on riding on the trunk road towards Kampar town.

1135hr Home
I reached home at about half-past eleven, one of the few times I finished cycling before noon. It was a cool and pleasant ride today along some mildly demanding off-road trails under cloudy skies with lots of shade from trees along the way. I have nick-named today's ride, "Gua Tempurung: the Shadowy Trail".

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Kinta Riverside Off-road

Today we're cycling to Taman Alam Kinta via Kinta Riverbank and Batu Gajah. Our route passed through Kampar - Kinta Riverbank off-road from Tg Tualang to Batu Gajah (18km) - Batu Gajah - off road on opposite riverbank to Kinta Nature Park - Kota Bahru - Malim Nawar - Kampar.

This ride was supposed to be a 30 km ride, so said Ganesan our event host this morning. We were to discover for ourselves during the ride later on that this was not so. 

It was more like 30km one way . . .

And that became the joke of the day. We would ask the same question over and over again during the ride, "Ganesan, are you sure it's only 30km?" and somebody would reply, "30 km one way . . ."

It turned out to be 56.88km on my cyclometer, tracking the distance from and back to my house.

0805hr Waiting for other riders at WestLake Villas 2.63km

We started off on our ride shortly after eight o'clock.

0815hr Just crossed the bridge over the railway tracks, rolling downslope towards West City

0830hr Approaching the intersection to Tg Tualang 6.53km

0840hr Onwards to River Kinta in the direction of Tg Tualang

Reached the bridge over River Kinta near Tg Tualang. The 18km riverbank off-road ride starts here. 10.75km 0847hr

10.75km At the bridge over the River Kinta 0847hr

The following photos give an idea of the conditions we went through along the riverside trail.
Photo Credit: Adrian Wong, Ganesan Raju.

Adrian took this snapshot of my very mud choked tyres

Trying to scrape off some of the stubborn sticky mud from the frame and tyres

Another view of my mud choked front tyres

It was a relief when the muddy stretch ended, and stony trail began

A third of the way into the riverbank section after crossing some very sticky mud stretches at 17.41km 0945hr, the muddy path became a stony trail. The tyres still look muddy after trying to dislodge as many chunks as possible by riding over the gravel.

0945hr 17.41km Pressing on along the stony riverbank

Some mud still remained on the tyre wall despite trying to "rub" it off on the gravel trail

Two thirds of the riverbank covered and we decided to take a rest. Hanif takes a sip from his hydration pack while Adrian and Leroy have a chat. 21.99km 1015hr

1011hr Taking a riverside break.

1015hr 21.99km Hanif getting a drink from his hydration pack.

At last Batu Gajah town is in sight . . .
We reached Batu Gajah for breakfast at an Indian restaurant nearby. Adrian had to break away from us to ride solo back to Kampar for family commitments. 28.17km 1050hr

Adrian had to break away from us to ride home on the BG - TT trunk road. I was undecided whether to accompany him.

1050hr 28.17km Breakfast at an Indian restaurant in Batu Gajah

In the restaurant, I wasn't aware that the colour of my jersey matched the colour of the tables and chairs Ha! Ha!
After breakfast, we rode to Kota Bahru via the opposite of the Kinta Riverbank passing by Kinta Nature Park. 38.41km 1215hr

1215hr Arriving at Kota Bahru station 38.41km

From Kota Bahru we headed towards Malim Nawar via the old road through Kg Changkat Belulang. 42.74km 1235hr

1235hr Kg Changkat Belulang. 42.74km

1300hr Reached Kenneth Sai's coffee shop in Malim Nawar for a break. 46.95km

Happily seated with Hanif, taking a hard-earned break at Sai's Shop

From Malim Nawar I broke away from Ganesan and Hanif to do a sprint towards Kampar. Reached West City and waited for them here. 53.35km 1353hr

1353hr Kampar West City 53.35km

At last, I reached home at about two o'clock with a very muddy bicycle after cycling a distance of 56.88km.

1410hr Home with lots of mud from the Kinta Riverbank 56.88km

Wednesday 28 February 2018

Kampar Tronoh Mines Tualang

It was Wednesday, and it's time for our usual Wednesday Wanderlust ride again. This morning we decided to wander off into our favourite on-road trail through Tronoh Mines, Kampung Timah and Tanjung Tualang.

I waited for Adrian Wong who was coming over from the other end of Kampar new town, and we left for Ganesan's house together via Aston Settlement, old town and past the railway station.

0824hr Cycling to town via Aston Settlement with Adrian Wong
It was my first time cycling with a hydration pack on my back. I bought this second-hand Camelbak hydration pack for only RM30 from Adrian Wong and it was a novelty for me that morning to drink water from a mouth piece attached to the back pack.

On the way I suggested to Adrian that we take the trail behind the railway station, a short sandy stretch on a small hill-slope that gives us a little off-road experience.

0831hr Heading for the sand trail behind the railway station

0832hr Just passed under the railway bridge onto the slope leading to the sand trail

The sand, the sand.

A more demanding stretch that I made through gingerly
It was four minutes of suspense and caution for me, for I was rather inept at balancing and brake control over loose sand and rocky paths, made worse by some gradient in the trail.

We soon made it to Ganesan's house at Jalan Degong a short distance after passing the Government Clinic. By 8.45 am we were already on our way to Tronoh Mines, our first destination of the morning. The weather was cool and the skies were just cloudy enough to shield us from the sun.

0848hr Making our way to Tronoh Mines on a road that we've cycled many times before.

0917hr 13.08km A snap shot of my Raleigh Echo mtb at Tronoh Mines

0919hr Applying Counterpain ointment on my left calf

Ganesan and Adrian arrived a couple of minutes later and I was photographed in an awkward position applying Counterpain ointment on my left calf because it felt like a muscle cramp was setting in.

We decided to cycle into Tronoh Mines village for a short tour, looking at the market place, the stalls, rows of sleepy looking houses and the well-developed Chinese primary school.

0933hr Leaving Tronoh Mines for Kg Timah
After about fifteen minutes of looking around, we resumed our journey towards our second stop of the day: Kampung Timah (Tin Village). The skies were still cloudy and the morning sun has not yet started to shine brightly on our backs.

0942hr Adrian took a photo of Ganesan and me on the way to Kg Timah

0943hr Another photo of us on the way to Kg Timah, Credit: Adrian Wong

We reached the quiet little village of Kampung Timah at 0958hr after cycling a distance of 18.44km from home. It was time for breakfast.

0958hr 18.44km Pretty maids in a row - parked our bikes just outside a row of hawker stalls
Breakfast was brief but relaxing. We were somewhat disappointed that the noodle stalls have almost sold out their food so early in the morning and we had to settle for whatever items they have left. The price was a little high too.

After about half an hour at breakfast, we resumed our journey towards Tanjung Tualang where we did not plan to stop but instead to cycle through towards our homes in Kampar town.

1028hr Mounting up to move on to Tg Tualang

The ride through Tanjung Tualang was quiet and uneventful with the morning sun warming up on our backs. By the time we passed through Tualang, it was already a warm sunny morning.

1033hr The cool shade road to Tg Tualang
After stopping briefly at a row of new shops for Ganesan to buy some lottery tickets, we left Tanjung Tualang at about 11 o'clock on the final 14km stretch towards Kampar town. It was a sunny day.

1100hr Leaving Tg Tualang behind, heading for Kampar

1121hr We have crossed the intersection with Malim Nawar, 8km from Tg Tualang

1122hr Crossing a long bridge over the gently flowing river

1131hr Yay! Kampar West City is within sight
By about half past eleven, Kampar West City, lying on the western fringe of Kampar new town, was in view, followed by the towering Westlake Villas ahead of us. There was a lot of clear blue skies by then, with bright sunshine.

1134hr Climbing the railway bridge, passing Westlake Villas with Ganesan ahead of me

I reached home from this short leisurely ride at 11.48 am after cycling for about 36 km. The cyclometer on my bicycle showed only 32.60 km because I forgot to reset it during the first four km on my way to Ganesan's house with Adrian Wong.

This morning's ride was short and relaxing.

1148hr Reached home

Walking the C2C Trail: from CP6 to CP7

Our second leg of walking the Coast-to-Coast Trail, from CP6 to CP7, took place on Sun 2019.09.22, a day after we completed our first l...